Introduction: Exodus was to have been the “Paradiso” section of a projected Dantesque trilogy, with the overall title of Under Heaven . So far, I’ve only completed the “Inferno” section to my satisfaction: a book entitled Secret Orbit , which I finished in January 2020 and which seeks publication as a standalone novel. Hell is always the most fun. The “Purgatorio” section exists in the form of another unfinished novel ( Cockayne ) mostly drafted a couple of decades ago. It is unlikely that the trilogy will ever be completed as planned. So call this one failed. excerpt from Exodus Day 2 The worst is over. In those days, before this happened, whatever it is that has happened, we lived in London. Now I remember. It was my home for many years, though it was not where I was born. Are we in London? I ask. It’s still just about recognisable, you say, laughing quite softly, but in a friendly way. London, England, Europe, Earth, the Solar Sys...